How far along: 13 weeks
Size of baby: Around 3 inches (the size of a medium shrimp)
Weight gain: Not sure, I guess I should start weighing myself more often but I don't own a scale!! The last time I was weighed I had lost 11 pounds total.
Maternity clothes: Just belly bands right now but my mom and sister picked out some really cute stuff and now I can't wait to wear it!!
Gender: Only 5 more weeks until we find out!!
Movement: Every once and a while I feel a fluttering and though I am sure it is gas, I like to think that I can feel the baby moving. I think I am a few weeks away from that still.
Sleep: Still no problem sleeping. I could sleep all day, every day and still sleep through the night. Although I have been trying to sleep on my left side (so I can get in the habit) and that has not been easy!
Symptoms: The nausea still comes at night and occasionally during the day if I don't eat constantly. Still tired constantly and am looking forward to getting some energy back. Boobs still hurt like crazy and are getting huge! Heartburn is starting to occur more frequently and unfortunately Tums are starting to make me nauseous.
Cravings: Nothing has really stood out this last week other than chips and salsa. I want Mexican food all the time but that doesn't really help with the heartburn.
Best moment this week: Well it starts with a bad moment. Yesterday I had some pretty severe pain in my lower stomach and it freaked me out pretty bad. I called Dr. S and he had me come in right away. There was no spotting or any reason to believe I was miscarrying but the pain was so bad at times that I couldn't stand up straight or even walk. It would come and go so I didn't know if it was serious or not. Dr. S did an ultrasound and saw a small sac of fluid in my cervix but didn't think it was anything to be too concerned with. His other two suggestions were that I have kidney stones or that I was having really bad gas. The best part of it all was that I was able to see Peanut for a moment. I don't know if I can call her Peanut anymore because he's starting to look like a baby! She was waving her arms and kicking her legs around. He was so dang cute!! He wouldn't hold still long enough for them to measure the heartbeat but Dr. S said she looked great!
What I am looking forward to: Only 3 more weeks until our next check-up and our BIG ultrasound is scheduled for Dec. 1st. This one I am looking forward to and dreading at the same time. I can't wait to feel this baby move!!