Monday, September 21, 2009

Welcome little Blake!!

Here's the latest email from Lisa! She finally has her miracle baby in her arms. I couldn't be happier for her. I know how long it has taken her to get to this point and she deserves it more than anyone I know. Congratulations Lisa & Mike!

It's a BOY!!!! Mike and I have truly been blessed and are the proud new parents of a baby boy who looks just like his Daddy with a head full of dark hair.Blake Michael Jones, September 21st, 1:44 am5lbs, 7 oz, 18.5”Blake was born at 34 weeks due to low amniotic fluid so he will have to spend time in the NICU, but he is doing great and breathing on his own.
Mom, Dad and Baby are doing great.


Anonymous said...

Great news!

The Schexnayders said...

Whew... when I say the title I felt a rush of relief. Im so happy for Lisa (although I have never met her she seems like such a good person). Congrats to you Lisa and family!!!

Ingrid said...

I'm so glad to have him safe and on the outside! Thanks for the update! Welcome Blake!!


Miche said...

Wonderful news! I'm reading your blog backwards right now so when I read she was at the hospital it got me all nervous. Yay!