I have been playing with some pictures of our wedding day. Thought I would share them with you all! We were married on September 27, 2003 at the Willow Glen Inn in Enoch, UT. Isn't my husband handsome? What a hottie!
These are some pictures from Avery's birthday

Me and my mom

Avery and her Aunt Charise

Avery and her Grandpa Frank

Avery's cousin Jacie

My beautiful Angel
I guess that is enough for tonight...
I started my new job this past Monday. I cannot believe how much of a difference it is making already. The atmosphere in my new department is so friendly and quiet. I can finally look forward to going to work again, it is truly refreshing.
We still haven' t heard back from the genetics specialist, I still don't know if I even really care but I feel like I need to get an answer before we start our next round of In Vitro. Also, I called about Avery's headstone this week. I was told that if the weather stayed nice the ground may thaw enough to get it in by the end of the week... then it snowed... a lot. So I guess that I will have to wait longer. If it keeps snowing the way it has been it may not be in until June. I really hope not!!
I've read your blog through out the last week or so (which I found through Tonya's website) and wanted to post. My name is Sarah and I have a little girl who is almost 8 months old who has Metatropic dysplasia. Your story is beautiful and your little girl is gorgeous! I can't imagine what you and your husband have been through, but I would like to say how sorry I am for your loss. I know you are keeping her memory alive and you are doing such a beautiful job of it! It's great to meet you and I look forward to following your blog.
Your photo's are beautiful! Avery is a darling little girl! Just like her mom!!
I love you wedding photo! How stunning the two of you are!
Thank You for sharing your private moments with us!!
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