For those of you that visit the blog regularly I have to apologize for the Rascal Flatts song that plays over and over! I thought when I added it it would be a small little icon on the side bar... but NO... it took up a whole post. I know I am a little obsessed but I really wasn't planning on doing a whole post about Rascal Flatts new album. I just hope this one is better than their last. Don't get me wrong... I love most of their stuff but their last wasn't my favorite.
Anyway, on to more important things. A few days after we buried Avery my sister-in-law gave me a locket with Avery's name engraved on the back. I have worn that locket almost every day since it was given to me. Unfortunately, all that wearing is taking it's toll on the beautiful locket and I think I may have to retire it and put it somewhere safe. I love it so much that it really makes me so sad to think that I won't wear it almost everyday anymore. When I don't wear it, I wear a ring and/or necklace that is Avery's birthstone- an opal. (Someday when I remember I will post pictures of all these.) So I was thinking, what am I going to do without the locket? I can't wear the opals every day because they are so soft and I am afraid of breaking them or losing them. Then I came across this website, , and I found a bracelet that I can wear everyday to honor my little Avery. It isn't as good as the locket but it will have to do. I have to say it did turn out beautiful though, they sent me a picture of the final project before they mailed it out yesterday. I am excited to get it!! 

They have some really great stuff on this website. I wanted to get a necklace too but that will have to wait. The bracelet will do for now.
Some may think it silly that I feel I need to wear a piece of jewelry every day that is connected to Avery. I know she is with me in my heart everyday but I love having something beautiful that people can ask about and I can tell them about my daughter. So what if I am weird!!