As I type this my parents are driving back from Las Vegas with my sister and nephew. They drove to Vegas this morning to pick them up and bring them home for their 2 week visit. I am so very excited to see them!! It has only been a couple of months but it feels like it has been a year. Ayden is talking so good now and I am sure he has gotten so big! I can't wait to see him and to plant some big, sloppy, Auntie Candi kisses on him. That kid will probably be extremely sick of me by the time they leave.
This next week is going to be great! Not only do I have the opportunity to spend some much needed time with my sister and my favorite little guy, Tuesday is my final day in my psychology class. I cannot tell you how relieved I am to finally have this class over with. Plus, if I do well on the final... it is a good possibility that I will come out of it with a big fat "A". Now, for the next 5 weeks I get to try to catch up on my other 2 online classes that were put on the back burner so that I could achieve that "A". It also means that I will be able to start taking some much needed lunch breaks at work. I have been working through lunch to make up for the time I have been spending in class. It will be so nice to get in some power naps at lunch time.
I will try to remember to take some pictures of my little buddy and post them. Here are some older pictures but you can see how stinkin' cute this kid is!!
His birthday October 2006, it was a scary day... we almost lost him.

He loved his first pool.
Halloween 2007
What a cute family...